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Frequently asked questions

nMarkov isn't reading messages in my server!

The most common causes of this are:

  • You haven't set a channel for nMarkov to read messages from.
    • If you don't tell him what channel to read, he won't read any!
  • nMarkov doesn't have the correct permissions to read messages in the channel you've set.
    • As everyone's permissions setup is different, we cannot assist you with permissions issues. It's up to you to make sure they're set correctly. Make sure to check both the role permissions and the channel permissions!

nMarkov isn't sending messages in my server!

  • Make sure you set a channel
  • Give him time to learn
  • Make sure he has the right permissions to send messages in the channel you've set
  • Make sure he's logging messages with /stats [scope: This Server]

If you've just added him and set a channel, of course he's not going to send messages straight away. Treat him like a toddler - give him time to learn, and eventually he'll start sending messages.

If he's been in your server for a while and still isn't sending messages, he may not have the correct permissions to send messages in the channel you've set. Double check the role permissions and channel permissions to make sure he can send messages. As mentioned above, we cannot help you with your server's permissions.

If you're sure he has the right permissions, and you've verified he's correctly logging messages (which you can check with /stats [scope: This Server]), then there could be a few reasons he isn't sending anything yet:

  • He hasn't learned enough messages yet.
    • There is no minimum number of messages required - it all depends on the quality of your server's log.
  • The probability is too low.
    • By default, nMarkov has a 5% probability in each server it joins. If that's too low, you can change it with the /setprobability <probability> command.

nMarkov keeps repeating the same messages.

He does that from time to time. This is completely normal, especially if you just started using nMarkov recently.

The chances of him repeating the same message depends on the quality of your log, and the number of messages in your log. Just keep chatting in your server, and he'll eventually start generating more unique messages.

How do I improve the quality of nMarkov's messages?

  • Add him to your server
  • Set a channel
  • Don't spam the same message or word, don't directly interact with or influence him

When people first add nMarkov to their servers, the first thing they'll usually do (after setting a channel) is spam the same message over and over again.

This is always a bad idea - nMarkov works best when he learns from a unique variety of messages with different lengths. If you spam the same message over and over again (or, like some other people do, the same word), he won't learn anything and will more often than not take much, much longer to start working.

The absolute best advice we can give to get nMarkov to start working quickly is:

  • Add him to your server
  • Set a channel
  • Forget he exists (yes, seriously)

Just let him sit in your server while your server chats as normal. He'll start generating messages when he's ready.

Does nMarkov work in languages other than English?

Yes - with varying levels of success.

If your server speaks a Latin-based language (English, German, French, Spanish, etc...), nMarkov will most likely work on your server and should have little to no issues generating messages.

There have been instances of nMarkov working on servers that speak non-Latin languages like Arabic or Russian (for example) - but we're not sure how well it works there.

That said - this only applies to message generation. nMarkov has support for translating command names, descriptions, and command-based responses into multiple languages. You can change the language that nMarkov will respond in using the /setlocale command.

Interested in translating nMarkov?

If you're interested in helping to translate nMarkov, you can find more information here.

Is nMarkov open-source/will nMarkov ever be open-source?

No. nMarkov is a closed-source project and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Can I host my own version of nMarkov?

No, but we're looking into offering paid managed instances of nMarkov. Stay tuned.

Whenever I try to run a command, I get a message about being banned from using nMarkov.

There could be any number of reasons why you or your server is banned from using nMarkov. The most common reason is that you or your server were caught using the bot in a way that violates either our Terms of Service or Discord's Terms of Service.

If you think we made a mistake, or you want to try to appeal the ban, you may join our support server and ask there.